Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Philippines, here we come!

After three months of looking forward to this trip, the time has come at last!

To say I'm excited feels like a bit of an understatement. :)

I'm going to help build a house for people who desperately need one.
I love to help make a difference.

I'll be working in a foreign country, with a change of scenery.
I love to explore new places.

Liz is the only other person I know on the trip, so we'll be making new friends.
I love to meet people.

Not only will we work with our new friends--fellow ALTs from all over Japan--we'll be having fellowship and devotions, too.
I love worshipping with a group of brothers and sisters in Christ.

We'll also do some sight-seeing and swimming.
I love warm/hot weather.

So yeah, there's a lot to look forward to!

There's also a lot to pray about, as our team prepares to travel and build. If you could be praying for us, I would really appreciate it.

Please pray for our safety as we travel from Japan to the Philippines and back, as well as our domestic travels. Please pray for the dynamics of our group -- that we will work well together and have a good time.
Please pray for our ministry, as we witness to people in Puerto Princesa (our build site) through our actions.
Please pray for our saftey as we build.
Please pray for the health of all team members.

Thank you so much for your support!

I promise to give a full report of my adventure -- which I consider a mission trip -- when I return, on May 11th.
Love, Dana

1 comment:

  1. Daaayna,
    You will be in prayers as you travel! I hope you have a great time and make lots of new friends!!! Love you!!!!
